Barack Obama on Tea Parties and Flea Parties: Wrong Again

Up until recently, the Tea Party might just as well have been called the DevilNaziEvilRacistUgly Party as far as the Progressives and their ilk were concerned.  In retrospect, calling participants “Tea Baggers” was one of the nicer things the Left said.  Barack Obama did nothing to stop this concerted attack against a substantial portion of the American population.

Now, though, Obama’s rhetorical shoe is on the other foot, which is peculiar, really, because, as far as I can tell, he’s got at least one foot lodged firmly in his mouth.  How else to account for this bizarre pronouncement?

President Obama today likened the anti-Wall Street protests to the Tea Party protests that helped Republicans in last year’s congressional elections.

“In some ways, they’re not that different from some of the protests that we saw coming from the Tea Party,” Obama told ABC’s Jake Tapper in an interview to air tonight on Nightline.

The only thing that the OWeS* and the Tea Partiers have is that they’ve both turned out to protest the government.  Only an idiot would take that single fact and use it as the basis for saying that the two movements aren’t “that different” from each other.  I mean, someone who would compare OWeS and Tea Partiers probably comes from the same intellectual milieu the same kind of person who would seek to gather under the “freedom fighter” umbrella both al Qaeda in Iraq, which wants to kill all Jews, Christians, and homosexuals, while subordinating everyone to worldwide sharia, and the Founding Fathers, who wanted to maximize individual freedom, including freedom of worship.  Nobody could be that dumb.  Oh . . . never mind.

For the President’s edification, here are just a few differences:

Tea Partiers want small government; OWeS want big government.

Tea Partiers are constitutionalists; OWes are Marxists.

Tea Partiers are extremely tidy; OWeS are filthy slobs.

Tea Partiers pay their own way (and expect the government to do so too); OWeS expect everyone to pay for them.

And of course, Tea Partiers and OWeS have very different visuals:



*Thanks to Indigo Red for that wonderful acronym.