Are we surprised that the 9th Circuit support the federal district court’s ruling in favor of gay marriage?
I’m not commenting on the merits of the decision, which I haven’t read, or on the merits of Prop. 8, which we’ve already hashed over at this blog. I am commenting, however, on my utter lack of surprise with this ruling from the 9th Circuit, affirming the district court decision finding Prop. 8 unconstitutional. Of course, the 9th Circuit is the most overruled appellate court in America, so advocates of gay marriage might want to hold off on getting too excited.
One other thing: I have a lot of gay friends on Facebook, since I grew up and lived in the Bay Area. Intriguingly, though, the ones who are most aggressive in their support for gay marriage are my straight friends. What’s up with that? Is this the “straight guilt” equivalent of the “white guilt” that transformed the Civil Rights movement from a Constitutional equality issue into a racism industry?