Yes, Obama is a Marxist, but the MSM has blunted America’s ability to care
At YID with LID, you get to see proof of something we all knew intuitively: Obama is now and long has been a Marxist.
The problem is that this news, which ought to be staggering, doesn’t matter. Even if one strips away the MSM’s reflexive denial about Obama’s Marxism, the fact that he is a Marxist still doesn’t matter. I’ve said before, and I’ll say again, that forty years of Leftist education and media indoctrination have resulted in an America that views the word without fear.
After forty years of being taught aggressively that America is an evil imperialist; that American values are not only no better than other values but are actually worse; that women and all non-white races are superior to men and the white race (a form of reverse racism, rather than a step toward true equality); that capitalism destroys humans and the planet; that traditional religion is a form of white capitalist dominance; and on and on. America may not yet be a Marxist nation in fact, but it will be because we’ve had two generations that have been inculcated in Marxist ideology. It’s what they know and where they go.
I was the first generation. I struggled with the cognitive dissonance of “the Communists are people just like us, and they want happy families, and they have elections, and we’re the warmongers, and fairies and unicorns,” even while contrasting that with meeting people from the Soviet Union, or getting reports out of China, the Soviet Union, Cuba, and other Marxist paradises putting the lie to these assurances. Since 1989, though, Communism has been on the decline at the national level. The Soviet Union is gone, China has gone to a weirdly capitalist economy, and we’re told that Cuba is a happy, sunny, laid-back, 50s-car driving Caribbean paradise, while the horrors in North Korea aren’t because of Communism, but simply because the Kim family is evil. It’s Peyton Place on steroids, rather than the logical outgrowth of an evil ideology. The cognitive dissonance with which I struggled is gone, because the past few generations have had no truth to balance against the lies.
So at the end of the day, no one in America cares that Obama is a Marxist. The concept has been leached of meaning.
But, just so you know, he is a Marxist.
All of which gets me back to the point I made in the preceding post: Andrew Breitbart got that the problem isn’t Obama. He’s a symptom. The problem is a media establishment that’s created a virtual Newspeak world. It’s that ideological hegemony that we need to destroy, so that future generations of America can actually struggle with cognitive dissonance, rather than being fed a pure diet of lies and misinformation. Then, if they’re lucky, they can choose actual facts rather than Marxist unicorns and fairies when they make the political choices.