Obama and Elizabeth Warren: birds of a feather who fake facts to capitalize on Orwellian institutional diversity
Ed Driscoll has the best wrap-up I’ve seen of the bombshell report that Barack Obama either told his literary agent that he was born in Kenya or, when she made a mistake to that effect, was happy to let that mistake sit around, uncorrected, until 2007. Ed’s point, like mine, is that this agency squiblet doesn’t actually mean Obama was born in Kenya. As someone pointed out (and I’ll add a link when I remember who did the pointing), if Obama really was born in Kenya, Hillary would have worked that angle back in 2008.
Nevertheless, this 1991 document, one that pre-dates Obama’s political career, establishes more clearly than anything else could two important things. First, it proves beyond all doubt that Obama lies and lies and lies. Jack Cashill and Roger Simon, both published authors, say no agency would ever publish a bio without running it by the author first. Whoever wrote those words, Obama was complicit. Assuming as I do that he’s just a second-rate mind from Hawaii, he actively or passively lied back then. And when he scrambles now to recover from that lie, he’ll be lying again.
Second, this little print publication, which was in active distribution through 2007, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the media is now and has been running interference for Obama. The media should have found this document — and would have found it if it had only stopped searching through Sarah Palin’s garbage cans.
I continue to have a deep, deep desire to see Obama’s grades and job applications. Just as Elizabeth Warren cast herself as “Faux-cahontas” to get affirmative action benefits, I’m willing to bet that Obama, when applying to college and seeking jobs, claimed Kenyan birth in order to cast himself as an “exotic” who would lend even greater diversity cachet to colleges and businesses. If American black is good, African black is even better. The institution manages to get both a person of color and someone who suffered colonial depredations. It’s a double sin expiation for the institution that grabs this person.
I was talking to someone today who claimed that the U.S. is still a deeply racist nation. I suggested that it is no longer possible to call the U.S. racist, because it’s no longer possible to have a non-insane discussion about race. In a world where George Zimmerman, a half-Peruvian, part-black man is a “white-Hispanic;” where lily-white Elizabeth Warren gets one job after another based upon an imaginary, possibly Cherokee ancestor who bequeathed 3 droplets of non-white blood to Warren; and where an American born nonentity makes himself interesting by claiming an African birthplace, who the heck can have a reasonable discussion about either race or American attitudes towards race?
The topic of race in America is so toxic and polluted, it’s time to do what we should have done a long time ago: abandon it altogether. Otherwise, we risk return to a bizarre racial world of quadroons, octaroons, quintroons, and 32nd-roons — and worse, it does so, not even based upon actually genetic lines, but upon made-up histories.