Talk about damned with faint praise — George R.R. Martin speaks about Barack Obama
I found the show “Game of Thrones” unwatchable, and the book unreadable — both were boring, ugly, and self-involved, which kind of hints at the author’s personality, right?
Anyway, George R. R. Martin has decided that it’s not enough to have his books reveal his petty little soul. He’s now taken to expressing freely and in detail his political opinions. Since one assumes that Martin reads only The New York Times, one can understand, although not forgive, his fact-free, invective-filled ruminations about clearing the voter rolls of illegal aliens, dead people, felons, etc. After all, when the NYT is your information source, you’re going to be a perfect example of “garbage in, garbage out.”
The real insight into Martin’s brain comes when he talks about Barack Obama. The following is an actual quotation, one he made some time ago when I was paying attention to this small little man’s political opinings. Before you read the following, please be assured that I am not making it up (emphasis mine):
Martin, an avowed Democrat from Bayonne, N.J. who has described President Obama as “the most intelligent president we’ve had since Jimmy Carter”, doesn’t often write about politics on his blog, but when he does, it is usually to speak about something he feels strongly about, be it TSA screenings or the Affordable Care Act.
“The most intelligent president we’ve had since Jimmy Carter”? In the face of that kind of intellectual and moral blindness, I’m tempted to come back with something as witty as “I know you are, but what am I,” or perhaps the always reasonable, “It takes one to know one.”
Democrats are imploding, one brain cell at a time.