Monday morning quick links
I spent a very family-centric weekend, which inhibited both weekend blogging and weekend information gathering. So today, I’m playing catch-up. Nevertheless, I do have a few interesting things to highlight.
Dennis Prager is one of my favorite political commentators. His approach to morality and politics can be summed up in one sentence that he frequently uses: “I prefer clarity to agreement.” So often, as Prager demonstrates on his show, and as I find in my own life, if one brings clarity to a subject, people find themselves agreeing — and what they agree with are traditional moral principles and a constitutional world view. That is, if you force people to look beyond what Jonah Goldberg calls “the tyranny of cliches,” you find that they’re still capable, not only of independent thought, but intelligent thought too.
Dennis now produces a video series that he makes available at Prager University. He’s invited people who have something worth saying, and who can say it clearly, to expound upon basic factual or moral principles. The latest video has Adam Carolla talking about “luck.” It’s a great video since it distinguishes random chance (a coin in a slot machine) from hard work. The “lucky bastard” who lives in a huge home in a rich neighborhood, might have won it in the lottery, but he is much more likely to have created his own luck by studying hard, working hard, taking risks, etc. This is the kind of thing you should show your kids when they whine to you “but that’s not fair.” Here, see for yourself:
Here are a few more interesting things I’ve found today:
At PJ Media, David Swindle shows that in this election, unlike the 2008 election, no voters can pretend that they don’t have at least a suspicion that Obama is a corrupt man who is advancing a political agenda antithetical to America’s traditional trajectory.
Also at PJ Media, David Steinberg calls out those Leftist Jews who cannot forgive the Germans for the 1972 Munich Olympics, but happily turn a blind eye to the Obama administration’s Benghazi fiasco.
And also at PJ Media (which had a spectacular run of good posts in the last 24 hours), Victor Davis Hanson examines Obama’s political fantasies (and it’s not just “hope and change”).
My own Watcher’s Council has a forum about clipping the wings of the teacher’s unions. I didn’t participate in this one (see my excuse about the family-centric weekend), but I wish I had, because then I could boast about having my ideas appearing amongst the thoughtful, intelligent, and practical ideas my fellow Council members advance.
Legal Insurrection has a pretty viral post about the fact that Elizabeth Warren had a continuously operating law practice in Massachusetts for nigh on a decade, although she isn’t licensed to practice law in that state. The only way Warren can douse this fire is to prove absolutely that she only practiced in federal courts (including the United States Supreme Court). I’ll be interested to see how this one plays out.
Consider this an open thread, and please add anything you’ve found today that’s interesting.