The Fallen Not Forgetten education fund — a worthy charity you can help
A military friend pointed me to Fallen Not Forgotten, a veteran-created and owned apparel business that donates a portion of its proceeds to military charities. The guys at FNF have now set up a page that seeks straight out donations that they will put towards a scholarship fund for the sons and daughters of those who have died or been wounding fighting for this country:
The College Board Advocacy & Policy Center states that the average estimated undergraduate budget for public four-year in-state on-campus students is $21,447, including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and other expenses as of 2011-2012. If we were able to get EVERY active/reserve member to donate $1 (the price of a Cup of Joe from McDonald’s) we could send 139 wounded or fallen service members children to college at no out-of-pocket expense to them at today’s cost. Imagine how amazing that would be! As an organization, we are realists and have set the goal low initially to manage expectations – we welcome our expectations being surpassed and challenge everyone that visits this site to help us in doing so!
As you can see, these guys aren’t greedy. Their minimum donation request is just the price of one McDonald’s cup of coffee. That’s do-able. It gets even better if you’re a Starbucks junkie. If you skip just one coffee fix, you can send $4 or $5 towards a very good cause. I’m a tea drinker myself, but for purposes of calculating my donation, I imagined myself turning my back on Starbucks for a few days.