Know your political opponent
I am really becoming a fan of Kevin Williamson, over at National Review. Today, he goes beyond Progressives’ superficial characteristics (wealth reallocation, gun fear, etc.), and digs deep into their values and their psyches. It’s fascinating reading on its own terms. It’s also extremely useful because, as Williamson himself says, you have to understand your enemy to defeat him. Knowledge, of course, is power.
Conservatives are not positioned to engage in a full frontal attack against Progressive politics. The two avenues open are stealth attacks, where we sneak up when they’re not looking (ideologically speaking) and judo-style attacks, where we use their own momentum to take them down.
The one thing we can’t allow ourselves to be is demoralized. Dr. Helen notes that conservatives in 2012 are infinitely more depressed than liberals were in 2004. My thinking has been that, while liberals didn’t like the Bush policies as they were playing out, conservatives are deeply worried about Obama’s “fundamental transformation” plans. Once you start treating the Constitution like toilet paper, it’s hard to resurrect it as a binding agreement between government and people. In other words, we have more to worry about than the liberals did.
Dr. Helen, though, has a simpler explanation, which is that the liberals are creating the Zeitgeist, and the Zeitgeist is that conservatives are deeply flawed, evil, and murderous:
The media and Obama blare the non-stop message that Republicans are no good, racist dogs and support fat cats. None of this is true, of course, but the media and Obama spin the message and Republicans get the blame for the majority of all that is wrong with America.
Oh, by the way, speaking of murderous, here is a great, gory mash-up (definite violence alert) showing Hollywood liberals in all their hypocritical glory: