Pro-Second Amendment supporters dying — conspiracy or coincidence? *UPDATED*

[UPDATE:  The magical Chukker left a comment with a link to this New York Times article, which is precisely the article I meant and that I incorrectly tied to The New Yorker.]

I stopped taking The New Yorker seriously many years ago.  Even before I crossed the political Rubicon, I started finding its articles, especially Toobin’s legal analyses, silly.  Nevertheless, there was one article that stuck in my mind. Unfortunately, I only remember the overarching principles in the article, rather than the salient facts that would allow me to locate it again.

The story began by telling how elderly Finnish twin brothers were killed within an hour of each other, with each having been struck down by a car while riding a bicycle.  The whole thing sounded highly suspicious, until one started looking at further details:  the men always rode bicycles, they were riding during a busy time on a road shared with heavy traffic, and there was a snowstorm taking place, severely affecting visibility.  Rather than it being the unlikely case of twins dying in the same way at the same time, it became the likely case of bicyclists being hit by cars while biking on a main road during a white-out.

The article then switched to the fact that several scientists involved in some controversial project had died within a few months of each other, some of them from natural causes, some from bizarre accidents, and one by suicide.  Rumors started being bandied about to the effect that the scientists were being killed by government forces (I forget which government) to ensure their silence.

The bulk of the article, if I remember correctly, talked about the way in which the human mind is programmed to find patterns in things.  We have to.  Otherwise, we’d be incapable of making sense of all the data that constantly surrounds us.  We filter out a great deal, and what we do see or learn, we try to fit into larger patterns.  Usually, this innate ability helps us out.  Sometimes, though, it causes us to see connections where none actually exist.

You understand this dichotomy if you think about the movie A Beautiful Mind.  When Nash is in genius mode, he finds a legitimate pattern that all have missed.  When he’s in schizophrenic mode, though, he sees patterns where none exist.

This long intro is necessary because a friend sent me a fascinating article about the recent deaths of two people, both of whom were important in the Second Amendment community.  John Noveske manufactured exquisite rifles and was killed in a car accident within days of his having posted a long Facebook article noting a common thread binding all of the mass killers going back to Columbine — they were all taking psychiatric drugs.  Hmmm.

Keith Ratliff was huge popular on YouTube for his gun related videos.  He was recently found dead on a lonely country road, with a bullet in his head.  Hmmm again.

The same article posits that these two men’s deaths are not a coincidence but are, instead, part of a concerted effort to silence those willing to speak out for gun rights:

Sure, a car crash involving John Noveske could be a coincidence. It could also be a coincidence that no video footage has been released from Sandy Hook showing Adam Lanza carrying any rifle whatsoever.

It might also be a coincidence that Dianne Feinstein just happened to have her detailed gun confiscation bill ready to release immediately following the Sandy Hook shooting.

It might also be a total coincidence that according to, the United Way Sandy Hook donation support page was created on December 11, 2012 — a full three days before the shooting took place.

It could also be a total coincidence that NBC News reported Adam Lanza’s AR-15 rifle was left in his car and was never used in the shooting at all.

I suppose it could be a coincidence that Bank of America slammed home an economic embargo against an online gun parts retailer in the days following the Sandy Hook shooting.

And it could be coincidence that Facebook suspended or shut down the accounts of hundreds of prominent people who advocated the Second Amendment, including our account here at Natural News.

And finally, it could be a total coincidence that police radio recordings seem to indicate there were multiple shooters involved in Sandy Hook.

But what are the odds of ALL of these coincidences existing simultaneously? Those odds are virtually zero.

Something’s fishy with all this. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that an order has come down from the very top to destroy, silence, threaten or execute true American patriots. Steve Quayle has long predicted this would be the very first step before foreign troops are unleashed on American soil to take over the country and deliver it, just as Obama has always planned, into the hands of the globalist crime syndicate.

It all sounds outrageous, I admit, and I’m not even sure what to believe myself. But it’s becoming more difficult by the day to deny actual events happening right before our eyes. Believe what you will, but don’t be surprised if people like Steve Quayle and Alex Jones were right all along. If we see any more mysterious deaths of prominent gun advocates, it going to raise huge red flags across the patriot community.

I’m disinclined to read too much into the events that have come together recently.  As matters stand today, rather than seeing a concerted effort by dark forces, I believe that the Sandy Hook shooting triggered (pardon the pun) certain events, such as the fact that Facebook (run by young Progressives) suspended gun proponents’ accounts or that Bank of America (run by old Progressives) is eying askance those in the gun business.

Additionally, the Sandy Hook shooting, and the Left’s hysteric response, made us aware of individual tragedies, such as Noveske’s and Raliff’s deaths.  Absent Sandy Hook, we almost certainly wouldn’t have connected those two deaths.  They would have been, instead, two stand-alone events, one an accident, and one a murder.

Having cast cold water on the theory that there is a vast anti-gun conspiracy being played out here, let me now argue the other side.  The Obama government is the least transparent administration in modern history.  It’s an administration that’s wedded to covert action, much of which has to do with weapons.  (Fast and Furious and gun-running in the Middle East being the easiest examples for me to bring to mind.)  Given this, why not believe that it summoned black ops to do wet work that will radically weaken American rights?  Too often, after a coup, we discover that those who benefited from the coup had spent a great deal of time to get their ducks (or, perhaps more accurately, their dominoes) in a row, preparatory for the “revolution.”  In other words, it’s possible (although, I think, not probable) that we are watching a conspiracy in action.

Right now, I’m inclined to give coincidence the benefit of the doubt.  As I said at the beginning of the post, our brains are programmed to make connections.  Usually, these serve us well.  Sometimes, though, they lead us down the primrose path.

For now, then, all of this is coincidence.  However, if too many coincidences start to pile up, I’m willing to keep an open mind about covert and concerted action initiated by an administration that has regularly shown itself to be both open to such conduct and hostile to the unalienable rights set out in the Constitution.