Can’t sit a my keyboard Open Thread
As all of you have surely realized, I’m a desktop computer person. Having an ergonomically-curved keyboard at my desk makes for effortless typing. I can’t type when the keyboard is in my lap nor do I do well on traditional flat keyboards, which start me on the road to tendonitis, slowly me down.
I mention all this because I haven’t been able to get to my desktop today. Indeed, between driving children, getting my mom to a doctor’s appointment, and repeated trips to the front door to let in dog walkers and helpful neighbors (trips made slower than usual by a pinched nerve in my shoulder), I was not only separated from my keyboard, I was also unable to hook myself up to my perpetual motion machine. Now that the dogs are walked, the children driven, the food delivered, and my mom checked out, I’ve got to take care of the knee — so I’m flat on my back, watching TV and struggling through two-finger typing on the iPad.
Fortunately, I have a dog camped out on my chest, a couple of warm blankets, and a full tummy thanks to my friends. It could be worse. Indeed, the only regret I have now is that I can’t blog.
Tomorrow will be the same, as I have to get my mom to smother doctor’s appointment, in addition to the regularly scheduled interruptions. For the time being, this Open Thread will have to do.