Open Thread *UPDATED*
My mom suddenly went from her normal slightly loopy to very confused. It may be something as simple as a bladder infection (a common cause of confusion in the elderly) or it could be something more complicated. At her age, one expects things to happen so, while I’m concerned, I’m not distraught. It is what it is.
In the meanwhile, though, please have fun with this Open Thread. I’ll just leave you with two thoughts this morning. First thought: A computer gaming company employee was fired for suggesting that, although Sterling is a nasty old bigot, in America he should still have the right to express his thoughts freely in the privacy of his own home. Second thought: Was the so-called Peace Process always a set-up?
UPDATE: The doctor’s current thinking is that mom caught a virus going around her senior living community. When I visited her this morning, she was extremely confused when I arrived (and, as always, angry at me for “abandoning” her, which is her go-to delirium mode.) Three hours later, when I left, she was pretty oriented, but complaining unhappily about typical flu symptoms.
I’ll be going back later this afternoon to check up on Mom but, for now, I’m confident that the people in her care facility know what’s wrong with her and are taking good care of her.