The Israel-Hamas war isn’t about military might, it’s about what’s morally right
Imagine you have two perfectly matched militaries. One fights on behalf of a country that values the individual, liberty, and civil rights. The other fights on behalf of a theocratic dictatorship that hates, demeans, kills, and/or taxes everyone and everything that doesn’t conform precisely to the theocratic ideology. Which country would you root for in the war? Most people — at least those who believe that they are good people, would answer that they would support Country 1 and wish for Country 2’s defeat.
The question, then, is why Country 1 loses support if the hypothetical is changed slightly so that the militaries are no longer perfectly matched. Instead, Country 1 has a better military. Shouldn’t we celebrate the fact that it does?
To help you answer this question, let me please give you a nice illustration of the differing natures of Country 1 and Country 2 — While Country 2 abandons a sick, elderly woman to her fate, Country 1 cares for her gently and lovingly: