The Bookworm Beat (11/18/14) — Will this day never end? edition (and Open Thread)

Woman writingI’m planning on petitioning the celestial spheres for a 26 or 27 hour day. I’m finding the current 24 hour day inadequate. I won’t waste time with chit-chat, but I’ll just dive into the links I’ve been saving.

Obama’s response to the synagogue attack

When I wrote earlier today, I said that I wasn’t aware that Obama had anything to say about the savage synagogue attack that left four Jews — three of them American — dead. I was wrong. Obama has spoken out against the attack, offering his sympathy to . . . Palestinians.

Yes, I am exaggerating a bit.  Obama didn’t explicitly say “this is the Jews’ fault and the poor Palestinians are suffering so much that they couldn’t help themselves.”

Instead, with the blood still wet on the synagogue floor, Obama went straight for for moral equivalency, effectively likening Palestinian terrorist attacks against peaceful Israeli citizens to acts of combat between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants or to the deaths of Palestinian civilians whom Hamas forced to be trapped in buildings that the Israeli’s had previously identified as targets.

Just to remind you how these Palestinian’s co-religionists operate even when they’re not deliberately provoked by the Jews’ very existence, you only need to look at the Bangladeshi professor hacked to death for suggesting that woman shouldn’t have to wear burqas or the snuff films ISIS likes to publish, in which “The videographers make particular effort to emphasize their [the beheading victims’] pain.”

Sweden is a country with no moral compass when it comes to Jews

With its recognition of a Palestinian “state,” Sweden remains true to itself. It has always been a country hostile to Jews. This is just more of the same. I’m not feeling the love for Sweden right now.

The New Yorker committed an act of journalism about Ebola

The New Yorker always hewed left, but it took Tina Brown to bring that Leftism out of the closet. Since then, the New Yorker, rather than being a “cerebral” lifestyle rag (er, I mean “mag”), has become just another outlet for Leftist opinings. Occasionally, though, someone still commits and act of actual journalism that is then published in the New Yorker’s pages. Such is the case with The Ebola Wars, a fascinating look at the genome science that may lead to a cure for Ebola.

The sooner the better, of course. Now that we know that the “ebola tests” are flawed, the only way to tell whether someone has Ebola is to wait through a 21-day (or maybe 40-day) quarantine period. In other words, Nurse Hickox could still be infected….

Will this knowledge change Obama’s policies re Ebola? Of course not. Who cares about empirical evidence when you’ve got theory on your side.

Hitler finds out that Gruber spilled the beans

And I’ve got to run again. I’ll try to get through the rest of my open tabs later tonight or, perhaps, tomorrow morning.