“Ready for Hillary” PAC promotes a fresh-faced, young Hillary Clinton for President *UPDATED*
Having lived practically my entire life in liberal enclaves, most of my real-me Facebook friends have a liberal bent. Amongst the women, many are Hillary Clinton supporters. In the past few days, several of these women have been sharing on Facebook their enthusiasm for Hillary in 2016. To this end, they’ve been sharing the following post from “Ready for Hillary,” a Hillary Clinton super PAC:
It’s a cute picture, isn’t it? It’s also a very, very young picture — the kind of picture you’d post if you want to hide the fact that your candidate will be almost 70 in 2016.
No wonder Hillary supporters are downplaying her age. Culturally, we don’t value age. Moreover, there’s no indication that Hillary has gained wisdom with age. From first to last, her career has been characterized by two things: vindictive self-interest and, other than her skill in playing the supportive wife to her charming, narcissistic husband, an unerring knack for clumsily doing the wrong thing throughout her career. The short list includes dishonest conduct as Watergate counsel, manifestly committing stock market fraud, bungling a 1990s era chance to socialize American medicine (something for which we should all be grateful), “re-setting” relationships with Russia, letting Americans die in Benghazi, and running a tone-deaf presidential campaign.
Hillary’s supporters have another problem with her advanced age, which is that they’re pretty much the same people who lambasted Senator John McCain in 2008 because of his advanced age. Democrats don’t mind actually being hypocrites, provided that no one notices what they’re doing. Even they understand, though, that the optics are bad if ordinary Americans realize that the Democrats are, in fact, blatant hypocrites.
One other n ote about that Facebook post. If I read the comments in the feeds, I see that support for Hillary not universal on the Left. Many commenters (mostly men) don’t like her because they view her as a creature of Monsanto. Progressives, as you know, are particularly paranoid about GMO foods. Still other Democrats have the same complaint about Hillary that we have here on the conservative side about Bush — no dynasties, please!
These kinds of problems on the Left do not bode well for Hillary’s inevitability. Once again, I suspect, Hillary will miss “her turn” as president.
UPDATE: One of my Bookworm Room Facebook friends had an interesting observation, which is that the Dems used precisely the same tactic — innocent childhood photographs — when talking about Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin.