Holocaust Remembrance Day
It’s already over in Israel, but today, in California, it’s still Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah). In Israel, it’s a very serious occasion indeed. As the video below shows, a siren blows its sad, eerie sound for two minutes, and everything in Israel comes to a halt as the Israelis take a moment to honor those diaspora Jews who weren’t part of a heavily-armed nation with each citizen entirely committed to the protection of that nation as a whole:
WATCH: In just a few hours, Yom HaShoah — Holocaust Remembrance Day — will begin in Israel. For a few minutes, life comes to a complete halt in the country. Watch the amazing scene last year in the country's highways. —-> Never again. Fight back against anti-Jewish, anti-Israel hate. Join over 60000 people who signed PeaceNotHate.com
Posted by The Israel Project on Wednesday, April 15, 2015
(If the video doesn’t load, you can see it here.)
Although today’s work projects prevented me from honoring this day as I should, Wolf Howling did not forget, and he writes about the moment he fully comprehended, not just the nature of Nazi evil, but the face of evil generally.
A couple more things. First, a Holocaust remembrance about people I knew when I was growing up, all of whom are long dead now. Second, a post about the fact that, even the midst of death, amongst the Jews there was life.
My Leftist friends cannot understand why, if Iran is going to go nuclear anyway, I’m opposed to Obama sitting down with them, signing on the dotted line, and pretending America is Iran’s new BFF in the hopes that Iran will be so taken by this charm offensive, it suddenly gives up on its genocidal goals. I’m offended, deeply, because if Iran is going to get the bomb anyway, it should be done in the face of America’s strident, unyielding opposition, with America doing everything in its power to stop Iran and help protect Israel. We should never, never get in bed with genocidal regimes. No political show ever justifies that.