[FREE BOOK] Our Second Amendment Rights in Ten Essays
[I’m keeping this pinned to the top through Thursday. Scroll down for new posts.]
Hillary Clinton intends to destroy the Second Amendment. Just the other day, one of her spokespeople sent out this email:
Clinton believes Heller was wrongly decided in that cities and states should have the power to craft common sense laws to keep their residents safe, like safe storage laws to prevent toddlers from accessing guns. In overturning Washington D.C.’s safe storage law, Clinton worries that Heller may open the door to overturning thoughtful, common sense safety measures in the future.
Not only does Hillary want to reverse D.C. v. Heller, Justice Scalia’s exquisite opinion about the limits that the Second Amendment places on government, she also favors gun confiscation and tight government control over guns:
You know, Australia’s a good example, Canada’s a good example, the UK’s a good example. Why? Because each of them had mass killings, Australia had a huge mass killing about 20 or 25 years ago. Canada did as well, so did the UK. In reaction, they passed much stricter gun laws.
In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program. The Australian government as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of … weapons offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns and basically clamped down going forward, in terms of having more of a background check approach, more of a permitting approach.
But they believed, and I think the evidence supports them, that by offering to buy back those guns, they were able to, you know, curtail the supply and set a different standard for gun purchases in the future.
When it comes to guns in America, should voters buy what Hillary is selling? Is Heller wrong and did the Founders intend that the Second Amendment not apply to cities and states? Do strict gun control laws in other countries work to reduce violent crime and mass murder? And is Hillary properly identifying the real threat to American lives or will her plans create a bigger threat to us than any individual mass murderer could?
These are not hypothetical questions. They’re important because Hillary, if she’s president, will nominate at least one Supreme Court justice and possibly more. Then, following in Obama’s footsteps, she’ll use her pen and her phone to issue executive orders limiting American gun rights.
The good news is that Hillary is wrong about everything. She incorrectly interprets the Constitution; she misunderstands the impact that guns have on mass murders; she’s wrong about America’s allegedly skyrocketing crime rate; and she’s wrong that those countries that have banned guns have benefitted from those bans.
Just because Hillary’s wrong, of course, doesn’t mean people won’t accept her arguments. Indeed, living as I do in a Blue community, I am constantly surrounded by people spouting this same mix of ideas, arguments, and misinformation. I’ve therefore repeatedly addressed all of Hillary’s arguments, as well as many others that she hasn’t yet made during this campaign season.
With the Second Amendment taking pride of place in this year’s election, I’ve consolidated these well-honed arguments into ten easy-to-read essays and published them in a very short (63 page) ebook, Our Second Amendment Rights In Ten Essays. If you act before Friday, May 27, you can get the book for free. After that, it’s only 99 cents.
Here’s the table of contents, so you know what you’re getting into if you buy the book and spend the hour or two that it will take to read it:
1. A Typical Discussion With Gun Grabbers; Or, What Second Amendment Supporters Are Up Against
2. Guns Are Most Dangerous When The Government Is The Only One That Has Them
3. America’s Founding Fathers Ratified The Second Amendment Because They Knew That Government Is Dangerous
4. A Self-Defended Society Is A Safe Society
5. Gun Grabbers Ignore That Guns Not Only Take Lives, They Save Lives
6. Beware Of Arguments Comparing American Gun Crime To That In Other Nations; These Arguments Are Always Dishonest
7. The Only Way Gun-Control Activists Can Support Their Position Is To Lie
8. Disarming Americans Is A Racist Thing To Do; Therefore, Second Amendment Supporters Are Anti-Racists
9. Jews, Of All People, Should Always Support The Second Amendment
10. If We Really Want To Protect Our Children, We Shouldn’t Ban Guns, We Should Ban School Buses
Given the price — free — you’ve got nothing to lose by downloading the book and giving it a try. If you like it, I ask only two things: (1) please recommend or loan the book to your friends, and (2) please stop by its Amazon page to give it some stars and a nice review.