Transgender people deal death blow to comprehensible grammar
When transgender people enforce their unhinged reality on us, society as a whole suffers. But this madness also claims another victim: Intelligible grammar!
If you haven’t yet heard about the allegedly “gender unknown” baby in Canada, here’s the quick version, based upon actual facts and using comprehensible grammar: A Canadian woman named Kori Doty, who sports a mustache and claims not to be any gender, miraculously carried an infant to term and, eight months ago, gave birth to a baby that has a vagina (and no penis), but that Doty nevertheless claims has no identifiable gender.
Because baby Searyl Atli Doty emerged via a private home birth, a hospital did not issue a birth certificate. When it came time to get this little girl a birth certificate so she could take advantage of Canada’s social services, Doty insisted that, in the space reserved for identifying the baby’s sex, the Canadian government write in the word “unknown.” Faced with this demand, Canadian authorities had an attack of common sense and were loath to acquiesce in Doty’s insane demand that a baby that is female in all biological respects nevertheless rejoice under a designation that she is “gender unknown.”
Doty was outraged. To get her point across, Doty hired a lawyer who, in e.e. cummings’ fashion, refuses to use initial caps in her name, to file a lawsuit contending that a gender designation on little Searyl violates her human rights.
In a sane world, the case would have been laughed out of the courts within minutes of being filed. But we don’t live in a sane world. Indeed, in Justin Trudeau’s Canada, never let it be said that the Canadian government is neither Progressive nor flexible. In response to Doty’s biologically unsound, and mentally ill, demands, the Canadian government is “thinking” about issue a birth certificate that pretends that a perfectly normal baby girl has no gender.
In the meantime, British Columbia, proving itself even more Progressive than Canada as a whole, has gone ahead and issued Searyl Atli Doty an official B.C. health card stating that her sex is “U” for “Unknown.”
Now, I could use the rest of this post to comment upon the insanity of pretending that biological gender doesn’t exist. Or I could comment upon the unpleasant patriarchal connotations of Kori’s decision to impose the last name “Doty” on poor little Searyl, forever claiming ownership on that child. How archaic!
However, I want to comment on something entirely different, which is the murder of comprehensible grammar. Exhibit A in the case is this, from a politically correct Australian newspaper struggling to deal at a grammatical level with the gender strictures Kori Doty seeks to impose upon the world:
A TRANSGENDER parent in Canada is fighting for the right to have their eight-month-old baby lawfully recognised as gender neutral.
Kori Doty, of British Columbia, prefers to be identified with the pronoun “they” and wants their child, Searyl, to be protected from labels until such a time as they can communicate their preferred gender.
In what has been reported as a possible world first, the Canadian parent is demanding Searyl’s official documents reflect the child’s gender neutral status.
Doty said “assumptions” were made about their gender when they were born that were incorrect and is fighting to ensure Searyl won’t have the same experience.
“I am not rushing to assume if they will be a boy or a girl, or cisgender or trans,” Doty, who identifies as non-binary transgender, told Vancouver radio station CKNW.
“I am giving them lots of space to be a baby and I was really hoping that I could acquire documents that would also give them that much space, but the laws as they exist don’t currently have room for that. So we are challenging them.”
Exhibit B is this anguished English from the once dignified BBC news service:
An eight-month old Canadian baby has been issued a health card without a gender marker, in what could be the first case in the world.
Parent Kori Doty – a non-binary transgender person who identifies as neither male nor female – aims to allow the child to discover their own gender.
The health card has been issued with a “U” in the space for “sex”, which could be for “undetermined” or “unassigned”.
Kori Doty is fighting to omit the gender from the birth certificate.
The parent gave birth to Searyl Atli in November at a friend’s home in British Columbia. Kori Doty, who prefers to use the pronoun they, argues that a visual inspection at birth is unable to determine what gender that person will have or identify with later in life.
They want to keep Searyl’s sex off all official records.
“I’m raising Searyl in in such a way that until they have the sense of self and command of vocabulary to tell me who they are, I’m recognising them as a baby and trying to give them all the love and support to be the most whole person that they can be outside of the restrictions that come with the boy box and the girl box,” the parent was quoted by CBC as saying.
And Exhibit C comes from the CBC, writing in the country in which this whole misbegotten mess started, which offers this fetid linguistic pottage:
A parent in B.C.’s Slocan Valley is fighting to omit their child’s sex on their birth certificate as part of a broader effort to keep gender from being included on government documents.
Kori Doty gave birth to Searyl Atli at a friend’s home last November. Doty, a non-binary trans parent who doesn’t identify as either male or female, (and prefers to use the pronoun they), wants to keep Searyl’s gender off all official records.
“I’m raising Searyl in such a way that until they have the sense of self and command of vocabulary to tell me who they are, I’m recognizing them as a baby and trying to give them all the love and support to be the most whole person that they can be outside of the restrictions that come with the boy box and the girl box,” Doty said.
Doty says the province is refusing to issue Searyl a birth certificate with no gender on it, although last month the province did acquiesce and send out the child’s health card with a “U” for gender, presumably for “undetermined” or “unassigned,” so they could access medical services.
According to Doty’s lawyer, barbara findlay (who doesn’t spell her name with capital letters), B.C. birth certificates currently only accommodate a male or female gender designation.
Because I am merciful, I omitted the sentence with the split infinitive.
There is a reason we have standardized spelling and grammar: language’s first job is to communicate. Nonsensical pronouns destroy communication. This is especially true considering that we have a perfectly good gender neutral pronoun in the English language: “It.” Interestingly enough, gender confused people don’t like being called “it.” I wonder why….
I have no more to say, but I will offer this video, which sees two mothers talk about the challenges of trying to destroy their child’s innate sense of its own gender: