The election — and my decision to be happy
If Biden really wins, a lot of bad things are coming our way, but that doesn’t mean we give up the fight or destroy our personal happiness.
As I write these words, the election is anything but over. It’s possible that the Democrats overplayed their hand when it came to vote fraud. It’s also possible that, in January, Americans will see a doddering, corrupt old man sworn in as the 46th president of the United States.
I can game out some things if Biden actually wins (and by Biden, I also mean Harris when the Dems kick Biden out under the 25th Amendment), without getting the Senate, and it’s a mixed bag. These are my guesses:
1. Sunni nations will rush to make deals with Israel because Biden and Harris have promised to pull Iran back from the useful brink to which Trump’s policies pushed it. Those alliances might be enough to create a balance that looks like, although it won’t actually be, peace. This will be good for Israel because the new Democrat party is extremely hostile and President Biden-Harris will do everything possible to make Israel’s life miserable and pander to the Palestinians.
2. Biden will crack down on fracking because his base demands it. America will cease to be an energy-independent, energy-exporting nation and we’ll again start funding bad actors around the world who happen to be sitting on oil and gas. Everything will become much more expensive because our entire modern economy runs on oil. This will be a disaster for people on fixed incomes.
3. Because conservatives seem (just barely) to have kept the Senate, we will have two years during which we will not need to worry about court-packing or adding new states. If the Senate flips in 2022, expect both to happen immediately. The fact that the Constitution bars the District of Columbia from becoming a state will not stop Democrats because they will have a 15 member Supreme Court that finds a penumbra of an emanation that overrides the Constitution’s explicit words.
4. Biden will immediately reverse the President’s executive orders about Critical Race Theory, the 1776 Project, and the reinstatement of due process for men in academia accused of sexual wrongdoing. American education will continue to degrade and federal workers will be indoctrinated in Critical Race Theory. Race relations in America, contrary to what the media have told America, will decline rapidly. White men will bear the brunt of it, which neurotic white women engaging in high masochism to show that they’re not racist.
5. Biden will make love to China, which will once again suck the money out of our economy, and Midwesterners will return to unemployment and illegal Chinese opiates.
6. Biden will expand DACA and essentially give amnesty to all illegal aliens. The border will be reopened entirely. This election will have been a little too close for comfort for the Democrats, so they’ll continue to work on replacing the existing population with people already accustomed to socialism and corruption.
7. No, the Supreme Court won’t be able to stop him because the federal bureaucracy will simply ignore the Supreme Court. That’s the real problem. Trump has created a mostly conservative federal judicial system. But because Biden will allow the bureaucracy to do what it will, the Deep State will ignore any rulings it doesn’t like and their boss — the president — will do nothing to stop them. Indeed, ultimately, court-packing will prove irrelevant as the left realizes that the Court’s power is imaginary.
8. Keeping in mind that the Court’s power will be imaginary, Biden will issue a stream of executive orders aimed at disarming Americans.
That’s off the top of my head.
Having said all that, I’ve still decided to be happy. I’m certainly not happy about what will happen under President Biden, but I don’t do myself or the world a service if I collapse into a neurotic, screaming heap as the lefties did for the four years of Trump’s presidency. I will be a happy activist working to shore up conservativism in America, working to keep the Senate in Republican hands in 2022, and working even harder for a future President Crenshaw, or Cotton, or Cruz, or any number of other hugely intelligent, committed, proactive young conservatives.
Yes, politics is my life — I write about it for a living — but that doesn’t mean it has to destroy my life. There are so many good things: Lindsey Graham, my Senator, beat back the most heavily funded Democrat in American campaign history. I have my health and a good, hard-working brain. I have loving children. I have wonderful friends. America is still America and, God willing and thanks to Trump’s hard work over the last four years, it is strong enough to survive four more years of crazy.
What we conservatives need to do is what the leftists have done for 50 years — we need to fight to take back America’s institutions. Speaking of which, Fox, which hired a Democrat operative for its election desk, needs to be thrown in the garbage heap. I will continue to listen to Tucker, and I know there are many of you who like Gutfield (I just don’t have the time for both him and Tucker), but otherwise the station is dead to me.
Every election we talk about fighting back, but we never do. We’re conservative. We put our heads down and pay attention to our lives so that we can be self-reliant, free people. We have to look outwards, though. Frankly, I don’t know how. I guess that, like George Washington Plunkett, if you see your opportunity, take it!
And that’s all I have to say for now. The sun is shining, my dog is gently snoring behind me, and I am happy.