A Merry Christmas from our friend March Hare
March Hare has been a long-time friend to this blog, for she always leaves comments that are interesting, informed, and very humanist (in a good way, not a leftist “secular humanist” way). This year, March Hare shared a poem with me and with all of you to remind us that, no matter what the government is doing, we are still responsible for making our Christmases merry and bright:
With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore
‘Tis the week before Christmas and all through the house
Everybody is stirring, especially the mouse.
No stockings will be hung in this very strange year;
Rather gifts will be mailed to relatives dear.
The children are scattered around this great State,
Their visions of sugarplums will just have to wait.
Dad is settled in front of the T.V.,
Wrapping gifts which won’t sit under our tree,
When out on the doorstep there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter.
Away to the front door I flew like a flash,
Held back the dog from making a dash.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a truck with a logo and a driver not too near.
The driver was young and lively and quick,
Delivering packages in place of St. Nick.
They were stacked very neatly upon the step,
Which I had, fortuitously, recently swept.
Boxes and bags and envelopes, too—
Who they were from, I hadn’t a clue.
Seeing the haul, Dad looked at his toes,
“You’ll want me to wrap these now, I suppose.”
Checking the labels, I saw with delight
These were presents for us to open Christmas night.
Instead of a fire, we’ll sit by a screen
Watching and talking to loved ones agleam
With the Spirit of Christmas (the distilled kind, too)
All praying and hoping this pandemic be through.
We will sign off, ‘ere we drop out of sight,
“Happy Christmas to all and may 2021 be bright!”
And here’s an appropriate video to cap off that poem: