The Bookworm Thinker of 11 Oct. 2021
Good morning all and Happy Columbus Day.
Ms. Book W. Room, writing under the nom de guerre of Andrea Widburg, is employed by the conservative site, American Thinker, to edit submissions to the site and to write several daily posts of her own. Below are her posts on this date. Since commentary to the posts are restricted at American Thinker (long story), feel free to comment on the day’s offerings below.
Today’s Offerings:
Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson refuses to back down before the LGBTQ crowd
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Let’s go, Brandon! (Brandon Straka, that is.)
Brandon Straka is a hairdresser who finally had it with the modern Democrat party’s lunacy. He put up on Facebook a video in which he described his decision to “walk away” from the Dems—and so the viral #WalkAway movement was born. On January 6, Brandon Straka found himself standing on the Capitol grounds. He did not go into the Capitol, foment violence, or engage in violence. Nevertheless, he was arrested and charged with two felonies and a misdemeanor. On Wednesday, Straka pled guilty to the misdemeanor and walked away from the rest. It was still overcharging but it’s a decent outcome and a symbolic one. . . .
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When did people’s souls become less important to religious leaders?
Two stories in today’s news—one about my state’s new Episcopalian bishop and the other about Pope Francis—impressed me because neither article had anything to do with bringing people closer to God. Instead, both were entirely concerned with issues near and dear to the leftist agenda: Racism and climate change. Perhaps both these faith leaders believe that their obligation to bring God to their parishioners goes without saying, but I thought His failure to be central to their thinking was telling.
The first story was about South Carolina’s new Episcopalian bishop, a woman named Ruth Woodliff-Stanley. . .
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