The Bookworm Thinker for 1 Nov. 2021

Welcome, all, and happy All Saints Day on this date of 1 Nov.  On this day:

1755 –  Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, suffers a devastating earthquake, largely destroying the city, leveling virtually every major Church on a major Catholic holiday, and killing between 30,000 and 50,000 people.  This was the final dagger in the heart of Portugal as a major participant in exploration and empire building during the Age of Sail.

1765 – On this date in 1765,  the British law known as the Stamp Act, passed by Parliament months earlier, went into effect in the Thirteen Colonies.  The law brought commerce largely to a halt in the colonies as the colonists utterly refused to comply with the law and forced all of the men named as commissioners to administer the Stamp Act in each individual colony to resign their posts.  This very ill-advised law was one of the major causes of the radicalization of the colonists on the march to open rebellion in 1775.

Now on to the important part of this post.

Ms. Book W. Room, writing under the nom de guerre of Andrea Widburg, is employed by the conservative site, American Thinker, to edit submissions to the site and to write several daily posts of her own.  Below are her posts on this date.  Since commentary to the posts are restricted at American Thinker (long story), feel free to comment on the day’s offerings below.

Today’s Offerings:

Biden’s weird weekend in Rome

Biden’s weekend in Rome took on an increasingly surreal quality as the weekend progressed. The weirdness started on Saturday when he arrived with an 85-car entourage to attend a G20 summit that was purportedly focused on “climate change” (or, more likely, focused on using climate change to increase political power), followed by Biden’s marginalized status for the group photo op. By Sunday, Biden missed an important photo op, claimed he was playing elevator games, used a reference to Mussolini while in Rome, may have been a COVID carrier when he met with the Pope and had an ugly rumor following him. . . .

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Ibram X. Kendi just gave away the con

Ibram X. Kendi (born Ibram Henry Rogers) has made a name for himself as an “anti-racist” activist, which is an Orwellian way of saying that his entire career is based upon arguing that America is a systemically racist country and that all White Americans are complicit. However, in a tweet that he swiftly deleted, Kendi effectively acknowledged that power in America lies with racial minorities, not with Whites. Oh, and he’s a transphobe.

Kendi’s breakout best-seller, How To Be An Antiracist, is on every Critical Race Theory reading list, whether in America’s K-12 schools, its colleges (some of which have made it mandatory), its corporations, or the American military. In 2019, Kendi wrote an essay for The Atlantic claiming, as all race hustlers do, that America’s real founding was 1619 when the British brought slaves to America’s shores . . .

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Terry McAuliffe is an awful person

If you’ve watched Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe lately, you may be guessing that he’s a pretty mean-spirited, self-centered, short-tempered jerk, who never should be allowed anywhere near political power. Now, you don’t need to guess. In a 2007 autobiography, McAuliffe freely admitted facts showing that he is quite possibly the most selfish, self-centered, unkind man in America.

In the years leading up to 2007, McAuliffe was a massively successful real estate investor and home developer. Starting in 2009, he began to invest in “green” auto technology. He ended up being investigated for visa fraud in connection with 32 wealthy Chinese nationals for whom he obtained visas in exchange for their investing $560,000 in his company. . . .

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