Sunday laughter: Tom Jones and Burt Reynolds having fun
Just to lighten your day, I have three videos — two of Tom Jones and one of Burt Reynolds — that I hope make you smile or even laugh.
First, here’s an early Tom Jones. I think this was meant to be played straight, but it’s just so darn funny it makes me laugh every time I see it. (And yes, if you’ve been a blog friend for a long time, I did post this once before, around 15 years ago.)
Here’s Tom Jones willingly allowing himself to be the straight man in another funny video. Even if it doesn’t immediately work for you, give it a few seconds because it gets funnier as it goes:
Finally, a silly Burt Reynolds on the Carol Burnett, from a time when humor was about making people laugh, not about being vulgar or trying to push political views. I don’t know if Reynolds is actually singing but, if he is, he has a surprisingly good voice: