2023-04-27 Bookworm Video Podcast
Short bits about the “fascist” label, evil Republicans, and Don Lemon, before I address the gal suing Tucker.
The gal suing Tucker is very much an avatar for the modern left, so I spend a bit of time discussing her (which also allows me to demonstrate my growing proficiency in embedding video clips). But before I touch upon Tucker, I have a few quick things to say about the “fascist” label, evil Republicans, and the fact that Don Lemon is also an avatar of sorts.
So, now that (I hope) I’ve piqued your interest, here is my video podcast in all sorts of formats depending on your listening preferences:
If that video doesn’t load, you can watch the video on Rumble.
If you prefer audio only, you can find it here. Or you can listen to the podcast now by pushing the “play” button immediately below:
If you like Apple podcasts, you can find all my podcasts here.
Lastly, I’m now on Amazon Music.
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