Category: Islam

Understanding the poison that’s out there

Clear an hour on your timetable. Then, watch Glenn Beck’s Exposed : The Extremist Agenda, about the footage CNN, MSNBC and the Times/Discovery Channel aren’t showing you. The Nuremburg rallies look like high school talent shows compared to these things: [youtube=] Hat tip: Little Green Footballs | digg it

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Israel and freedom

I posted the other day about an identity politics problem in Israel: an American Palestinian showed up in Israel for the gay pride parade, only to find himself and his friends on the receiving end of a violent beating from Muslim religious authorities. Surprisingly, the gay American Palestinian was surprised.

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Australian meat

Laer does a wonderful take down of the execrable views from Sheikh Taj El-Din Hamid Hilaly (left), the Mufti of Australia’s biggest mosque in Sydney, including the latter’s BDS defense. Hilaly is the one who opined that women who are not fully veiled deserve to be raped (and, judging by

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