Bookworm Beat 9/13/24: the ‘cat lives matter’ essay and meme edition
This meme edition is dedicated to the memory of the eaten pets in Springfield — along with an essay explaining why this is so important.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
This meme edition is dedicated to the memory of the eaten pets in Springfield — along with an essay explaining why this is so important.
Continue readingBiden and his team are violating the Constitution as they make up immigration rules on the fly and must be impeached and prosecuted. Joe Biden needs to be threatened with impeachment and criminal prosecution for de facto failing to secure the border and allowing illegal aliens to enter and remain
Continue readingWhy isn’t anyone suing the Biden administration for violating all of our border laws? He’s president, not the legislature or an absolute monarch. His job is to enforce and implement laws, not to violate them with aggressive impunity. IMAGE: YouTube screengrab.
Continue readingImmigrants used to share some Western values and believe in America; new immigrants don’t share those values and are told not to assimilate. I was corresponding with friends from Australia and England, both of whom mentioned how their countries have changed significantly in the past twenty or so years. In
Continue readingWhen I read the allegation that an ICE physician was doing unusual numbers of hysterectomies, my mind when to dark places. I neither believe nor disbelieve this story reported at Fox New: A nurse at a Georgia prison sounded the alarm about the number of hysterectomies performed on migrant women detained by Immigration and
Continue readingBy stating the obvious about America-hating immigrants, Trump pushed the Overton window towards a more normal understanding of immigration and gratitude. Trump started today with a bang: So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most
Continue readingAlthough Democrat open borders advocates immorally enticed Oscar Ramirez to head for America, it was his own foolish impatience that killed him and his child. I’m not going to include in my post the photo showing the bodies of Oscar Alberto Martinez Ramirez and his two-year-old daughter Valeria, lying dead
Continue readingAmerica’s economic growth will benefit from an immigration policy that sees people with skills come to work, not to latch onto America’s welfare benefits. A few decades ago, when I was getting my history major at Cal, something very rare and special happened: I had a brilliant professor. Every lecture
Continue readingAs part of his admirable repudiation of the Wilson Doctrine, Trump absolutely should bring some U.S. troops home and station them on our besieged border. I caught Tucker Carlson’s show tonight and really liked his opening monologue. It ostensibly went after #NeverTrumper Max Boot, but it really was about something
Continue readingEvidence, if you need it, that Trump’s cement or steel border wall is a country’s best friend when it comes to arrogant, illegal fence runners. Here’s the shot: Mexico’s human smugglers are having a grand old time, ramming through the corrugated junk metal fencing that’s there with heavy smuggling vehicles,
Continue readingWith my trip ending, I’m reacquainting myself with news and have a couple of things to say about borders, budgets and Smolletts For those of you who (thank God!) waited patiently for my return, I’m back. I’m at my computer this morning, catching up on the news. I did try
Continue readingThe government shutdown, anti-Semitism in the Democrat Party, abortion, and a mad, bad media — no matter I busy my day is, I must blog about them. Did you know that a chicken without a head made it into an early edition of Ripley’s Believe It or Not? It’s true.
Continue readingI’d meant to cover more topics, but between illegal immigration, Russiagate, and pedophilia, I’ve think I’ve written enough. On the immorality of housing illegal aliens at the border. I don’t know why, but it took forever for me to get a sharp focus on what’s wrong with the Leftist arguments
Continue readingJim Acosta wants to be the burr under Trump’s saddle, but instead, as these memes show, Jim Acosta is the gift that keeps on giving, at least meme-wise. CNN’s Jim Acosta went to the border to prove Trump wrong on the border wall, but he ended up doing the opposite!@realDonaldTrump
Continue readingThe Schumer and Pelosi meme is alive and well at the Bookworm Room, along with lots of immigration posters and other cool and interesting political posters.
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