Category: Silly Stuff

Aha! I was right.

I’ve never liked beaches. I don’t like the way sand infiltrates everything and I hate the sticky, burning feeling of salt water on my skin. The fact that, as a child, the beaches we went to often included a windy road that triggered my carsickness only increased my hostility to

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Can I boast?

I sit home most of the day at my computer staring at tremendously boring legal documents.  To while away my time, I listen to talk radio (through KRLA).  Occasionally, I get exercised enough by what I hear to call in.  Last week, a call to Dennis Prager had him suggesting

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Random humor

I was on the freeway this morning and ended up behind a motorcycle with a side car. In the side car was a woman with luxurious red hair. On the back of the side car was the ubiquitous “Dog is my co-pilot” bumpersticker. I’ve never really gotten this slogan. It’s

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Kids’ Klothes

Many years ago, I had a good laugh watching two young men, dressed in faultless gang attire, run for a bus.  The funny part was that, as they ran, their lowrider pants get lower and lower.  One of them eventually ended with his pants around his ankles.  Undaunted, with the

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