Lt. Brian G. Ahearn, a 9/11 hero
Remembering one of the firefighters who, without a thought for himself, rushed to save people trapped in the Twin Towers.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
Remembering one of the firefighters who, without a thought for himself, rushed to save people trapped in the Twin Towers.
Continue readingI will never forget. It’s been 19 years and I still find myself deeply saddened every September 11. It’s a feeling that never goes away although, although time has lessened the raw emotion. I’ve written reams of words about 9/11 and actually find myself with nothing to say this year.
Continue readingTo properly honor the dead, we must remember them — and Lt. Brian Ahearn, a New York City firefighter, is someone whom I honor every year on September 11. Every year on September 11, for the past 12 years, I’ve reprinted the memorial posts I wrote for Lt. Brian Ahearn,
Continue readingIn Part 3 of my annual three-part 9/11 trilogy, I remember Rick Rescorla, a warrior to the bone, who saved thousands of lives but lost his own. True immortality being the Divine’s purview, we humans are limited to only two types: genetics and remembrance. It is the latter that concerns
Continue readingIn Part 2 of my annual three-part 9/11 trilogy, I remember Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas, a lovely, vibrant woman who calmly faced her fate. True immortality being the Divine’s purview, we humans are limited to only two types: genetics and remembrance. It is the latter that concerns me. Every year on
Continue readingIn Part 1 of my annual three-part 9/11 trilogy, I remember Lt. Brian Ahearn, a New York firefighter who willingly sacrificed himself to save others. True immortality being the Divine’s purview, we humans are limited to only two types: genetics and remembrance. It is the latter that concerns me. Every
Continue readingI first wrote this post in 2006 as part of the 2996 project. I now re-post it every year, with slight alterations to update it because I’ve conceived a very strong affection for this good and honorable man. Lt. Brian G. Ahearn My son, when he was ten, was obsessed with superheroes.
Continue readingLast year on 9/11, my remembrance post looked at how our political class, led by Barack Obama, seemed to have forgotten every lesson learned from 9/11. Under his aegis, I pointed out, our borders were meaningless, the always dangerous Middle East was a swirling mass of chaos, and ISIS was
Continue readingMy life is divided into two parts: Before September 11, 2001 and after September 11, 2001. Even the most exciting things I’ve done in my life (marriage, children, etc.) haven’t affected me as strongly as September 11, 2001 did. That day stands as a bright line that breaks my world
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