In Memoriam, September 11, 2001
I will never forget.
It’s been 19 years and I still find myself deeply saddened every September 11. It’s a feeling that never goes away although, although time has lessened the raw emotion.
I’ve written reams of words about 9/11 and actually find myself with nothing to say this year. My focus is November 3, 2020, not September 11, 2001. While 9/11 wrought a fundamental change in America and in the world, November 3 is the day that determines whether we go forward as a constitutional republic or as a socialist state. The past may still be a gaping wound, and I will never stop mourning the dead, but it’s the future that matters to me and my children.
Here are some of my past posts if you care to read them:
September 11, 2001: The day the world turned upside down
Remembering Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas, who died 17 years ago today
Remembering Lt. Brian Ahearn, who died on this day, 17 years ago
Remembering Rick Rescorla, a hero of 9/11