Tag: Congress

Impeachment Parliament Congress

Democrats are misusing impeachment to replicate a parliamentary system

By treating impeachment as a parliamentary device, the Democrats are usurping the voter’s constitutional rights both to choose and reject a president. From American Thinker: The Constitution authorizes presidential impeachment if the president can be shown to have committed “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”  Democrats are ignoring this language

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March for Life 2020

Bookworm Beat 1/24/20 — busy week illustrated edition (2nd Amendment, March For Life, & impeachment)

What a busy week: a Second Amendment rally in Richmond, a huge March for Life in D.C., and the impeachment farce, plus Dem candidates, stupid leftists, etc. We’ll start just as the week started, with uplifting, patriotic, and often very clever images from the Second Amendment rally in Richmond: And

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Transgender Podcast Gun Control

Bookworm Podcast: Impeachment and the Democrats’ deadly malaise

Faux impeachment proceedings aren’t going to help the Democrat Party faithful’s deadly lack of enthusiasm; they’re paralyzed by their own ineffectiveness. My latest podcast is up and running. You can listen to it through the audio embed below, or at LibSyn, or through Apple Podcasts. You can also read the companion post,

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Leftists Rashida Tlaib Congress

Rashida Tlaib, unpleasant as she is, deserves to be taken seriously

Foul-mouthed, antisemitic Rashida Tlaib is the avatar of an incoming class of Leftist congresswomen that needs to be taken seriously in the realm of ideas. Rashida Tlaib, the Palestinian-identifying woman who got herself elected to the American House of Representatives, gained instant notoriety when she excitedly announced that her single

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Mob Illustrated edition post-election counting

Bookworm Beat 11/12/18 — the post-election counting edition and open thread

It’s not losing seats that bothers me, it’s the fact that post-election counts and recounts invariably favor Democrats, which is banana republic stuff. Post-election recounts and miscounts and discounts and God alone knows what else. I’m not actually going to blog too much about post-election recounts, despite using them as part

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Capitol Building Congress

Useful information for those who want to keep the House Republican

My local Republican Women’s Federated send me the following useful information, both for California and for other states: Remember these valuable California Congressmen: Devin Nunes Tom McClintock Elizabeth Heng. She’s from the Central Valley (which currently has a Democrat Congressman) and has been in the news because Facebook censored her

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