The New & . . . Well, NEW Progressive Constitution
With Rep. Clyburn admitting that the proggies don’t like our Constitution as is, it’s time to take a look at what they want in a constitution.
Let’s face it. Progressives have gone a long way to making our Constitution a dead letter already. But as Rep. Clyburn makes clear in the video below, they are not yet wholly satisfied with the result. Work remains to be done.
What progressives want is nothing more than permanent power. That would be impossible to accomplish were they starting from scratch, but clearly they aren’t. A lot of the most important groundwork has already been laid over the past century. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at the state of our Constitution today, how it has already been altered, and how it would look once the proggies are done rewriting it.
Art 1 Sec. 1: Out — All legislative power is vested in Congress. In — Government by regulatory bureaucracy and Executive fiat (Presidential pen and phone).
This is one we don’t have to imagine. Progressives won this fight nearly a century ago with FDR’s court packing scheme, but it was not until Obama that we were treated to Congress becoming a secondary, and comparatively unimportant, source of legislation. And that is how progressives want to keep it. It’s much easier to make “fundamental changes” to society when bureaucrats write the laws without being subject to any of the checks and balances written into the Constitutional scheme.
As Justice Kagan stated recently in Gundy v. U.S., if Art 1, Sec. 1 of the Constitution actually means what it says, that “all legislative power” resides in Congress and cannot be substantively delegated, “then most of Government is unconstitutional.” She says it like its a bad thing. Of course, this is the same Supreme Court Justice who accused plaintiffs of “weaponizing the First Amendment” by relying on it to challenge forced union dues. This is a woman (yes, I am assuming her gender) who should not be allowed to sit on a public park bench in the U.S., let alone the U.S. Supreme Court bench.
Two notes — One, Senate Republicans and Democrats alike are fine the way things are. That way, they don’t have to make any of the tough decisions. It is the only way to interpret the fact that the Republican controlled Senate killed the REINS Act. Worthless bastards, all of them. Two, the Supreme Court as it is now sitting (and if it does not get packed by the next Democrat administration) signaled in Gundy that it is probably going to force legislative authority back into Congress, whether Congress likes it or not. The proggies will die to a man (woman, or pick your favorite fantasy gender) on the hill before they allow that to happen.
Art. 1 Sec. 2: Out — Each State is entitled to two Senators. In — Let’s have two Houses of Representatives.
Letting small conservative states have an equal vote in the Senate with large states (the Connecticut Compromise) was necessary in 1787, but there was no progressive imperative then; now, it just sucks. Per The Atlantic just a few months ago, this equal representation of states in the Senate is a problem in need of a progressive solution.
Today the voting power of a citizen in Wyoming, the smallest state in terms of population, is about 67 times that of a citizen in the largest state of California, and the disparities among the states are only increasing. The situation is untenable.
Under the new proggie Constitution, there will be equal representation in both Houses . . . at least so long as that continues to yield a progressive majority.
Art I Sec. 8: Out — Enumerated Powers of Federal Government; In — Unlimited Power of Federal Government (for Progressives Only)
It’s been a long, long time since progressives started running wild with the “Commerce Clause” to justify federal legislation reaching every aspect of life in America. Its reach is practically unlimited today, though it did suffer a small set back a few years ago in the Obamacare cases concerning the mandate to purchase insurance. Not to worry though, for while even the power of the commerce clause can’t be stretched that far, our inventive Supreme Court can find other justifications. Our modern taxing authority, as Chief Justice John Roberts reinterpreted it, can substitute in a pinch to save the progressive bacon.
We are already a very long way from the Founder’s Constitution of limited federal powers, but under the Constitution as rewritten this will be a settled issue.
Of course, the flip side of this new doctrine is also worthy of mention. As courts repeatedly make clear in the Trump era, most recently here, even if a Republican president uses federal power in a wholly legal way, s/he can be stopped by a progressive in a black robe who doesn’t agree with the policy.
Art II Sec. 3: Out — The Electoral College. In — Pure Democracy
The Electoral College is, according to Chiquita Khrushchev, a “RACIST scam” standing athwart the progressive will to power. We could be enjoying nirvana under President Hildabeast today were it not for the horrible, racist Electoral College.
One man (woman, or pick your favorite fantasy gender), one vote sounds fair . . . unless you know a bit about political history and why our Founders would not even consider democracy as a viable option for this nation. As John Adams said:
Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.
Democracy invariably devolves into mob rule. Of course, that’s okay with the proggies, for any rule that gives them a benefit at the moment is, to hear them tell it, the only one with moral standing — whether it is actually in the interests of minorities or not.
And in that vein, a special mention here of Art 1 Sec. 2 clause 3’s Three Fifths Compromise. While it hasn’t been operative since about 1865, word is that AOC wants to revive it as part of the new proggie rewrite of the electoral college. She wants to have the votes of white people counted as only three fifths of a vote. As quoted at the Bee, AOC said “What if we count all white people as three-fifths of a person instead of a full person? Then, good votes would count more than bad, racist votes. Like, four or five times more or something, because 3/5ths is only like 10% of a real vote.”
Sometimes it is hard to figure out whether the Babylon Bee is satire or not. No wonder Snopes is so confused.
Art II Sec II: Out — Limited Presidential Powers; In — Presidential Powers\ Limitations Depending on Party Affiliation
This rewrite is wholly situational. A non-Progressive President is an obscenity who cannot Constitutionally wield any power (under the progressive rewrite at least). But put a progressive like Obama in as President and the sky’s the limit, from executive legislation of DACA (the textbook definition of tyranny) to unilateral execution of treaties with Iran and the Paris Accords, etc.
Art. III Out — An Independent Judiciary Limited to Exercise of Judicial Power; In — A Progressive Judiciary with Statutory Legislative and Constitutional Amending Powers
For nearly a century, our judiciary has leaned progressive and has busily been rewriting our Constitution by assuming the powers of legislation (Art. 1 Sec. 1) and amending the Constitution itself (Art. V) (abortion, gay marriage, etc.). Now, with the Court in danger of becoming non-Progressive, well, that cannot possibly be allowed. It would be too blatant to rewrite the Constitution to require a progressive majority on the Supreme Court, but the practical way of accomplishing that is to pack the Court.
Actually, I can’t think of anything more likely to ignite a shooting civil war in this country, but . . . what’s a civil war when progressive dominance over the evil that is non-progressives is at stake.
The Bill of Rights
1st Amendment: Out — Religious Conscience Clause; In — Progressive Conscience Clause
The whole purpose of the progressive embrace of sexuality, and in particular, homosexuality and gender identity as moral imperatives, has been as a cudgel to attack the Judeo Christian religions and drive those religions out of the public square. Bookworm had the definitive look at this years ago at American Thinker.
1st Amendment: Out — Anti-Establishment Clause; In — Secular Religion Clause
The progressive war on the Judeo-Christian religions has been ongoing in this country for over a century. Socialism requires the replacement of a monotheistic God with government. It has been that way from the moment of socialism’s inception:
Sixty years after the French Revolution, Karl Marx, socialism’s greatest philosopher, famously wrote in his Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right that religion is the “opium of the people” and that “[t]he abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness.” The British socialist party wrote in their 1911 manifesto that “it is a profound truth that Socialism is the natural enemy of religion.” Lenin, the father of the Soviet Union’s bloody experiment in Communism, wrote in 1905, “The modern class-conscious worker, reared by large-scale factory industry and enlightened by urban life, contemptuously casts aside religious prejudices, leaves heaven to the priests and bourgeois bigots, and tries to win a better life for himself here on earth.” Lenin further noted that “every socialist is, as a rule” an “atheist.” And Hitler himself was of like mind – “National Socialism and Christianity cannot co-exist together.”
1st Amendment: Out — Freedom of Speech; In — Freedom for Progressive Approved Speech Only
Speech control equals thought control, so that progressives’ love for speech limitations, such as on “hate speech,” almost goes without saying. It is right out of Orwell.
Why is everyone missing the best line of this video?
Where she talks about feminism’s great task: “the general reprogramming of most people’s minds?”
— Caitlin Flanagan (@CaitlinPacific) September 11, 2019
Of course, as an alternative, if speech cannot be fully controlled, progressives are fine if it can be effectively suppressed on social media or by sending out ANTIFA thugs to shut down speakers.
1st Amendment: Out — Right to Assembly; In — Right to Assemble in only progressive approved groups
This is most often seen at colleges, where conservative groups are routinely subject to discrimination from the ivory tower. Now it is seeping out into the mainstream. Exhibit one is the NRA and its insistence on the right to bear arms — a thorn in the progressive side. The left has two solution. One, declare the NRA a domestic terrorist organization, thereby allowing the state to discriminate against the organization (though that is not a prerequisite for government discrimination, it helps). Two, declare the right to assemble in support of the Second Amendment unlawful.
2nd Amendment: Out — Right to Keep & Bear Arms; In — The Right of Government to Disarm the Populace
This is another one that needs very little elucidation. A prerequisite for tyrannical government is a disarmed populace. Unarmed cows become Big Macs and Whoppers. Cows with guns on the other hand . . .
4th Amendment: Out: General Warrants are per se Unconstitutional; In — The police power of government can be used against political opposition
Whether it was using the IRS to target the Tea Party or using general warrants under the guise of a counter-intelligence operation against the Trump administration, this obscene abuse of power is okay as long as progressives use it against evil non-progressives. The only surprising thing about the Obama administration’s incredible abuse of power as to the investigation of Trump is that the proggies found nothing to actually charge as a substantive crime. Beria would be most unimpressed.
So as you can see, the rewrite need not be too much more extensive than already exists. Then we can finally have progressive heaven on earth. Somehow, I think it is more likely to resemble biblical hell.