Tag: Democrats

Allowing the American public, finally, to see the Left

I’ve been saying for some years that the biggest mistake the Islamists made was impatience.  Demographically, between their fecundity and the sterility of Western culture, Muslims were headed towards societal tipping points all over Europe within a couple of decades.  Had they set tight, they could have completed what they

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Just Because — Trying to be sanguine about yesterday’s vote *UPDATED*

It’s Sunday and there’s nothing I can do to change yesterday’s vote at this moment.  I need to relax. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZbKHDPPrrc[/youtube] Jennifer Rubin is also sanguine, bless her heart. UPDATE:  The Anchoress urges us to be not afraid, even in the shadow of the jackboot.

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