Tag: Kevin Spacey

Rape Pulp Magazine covers

Rape Accusations, Leftists, Blurred Lines, and poor Brett Kavanaugh

Once Orwellian Leftists got their hands on it, “rape” as traditionally understood became a malleable concept to be used to destroy political enemies. Item: Former Vice President Joe “Creepy Touch” Biden, when announcing that the Obama White House was creating a task force to address campus rape, stated “One in

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Trump Supporters Racist Donald Trump Diamond and Silk Nationalist's Delusions

Are Trump supporters racist? The Atlantic says so, but only because it lies

Are Trump supporters racist? By abandoning both facts and logic, That Atlantic claims Trump is a neo-Nazi, so his supporters must be racists too. My Progressive friends have been on fire this holiday weekend, posting all sorts of articles from anti-Trump mainstream media publications. When I wasn’t cooking, eating, or

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The Reign of Terror French Revolution Execution of Louis XVI

The Sexual “Reign of Terror”: How we got here and where we’re going* (by Wolf Howling)

Today’s sexual “Reign of Terror” started in the 1960s, when the Left turned social mores on their heads — and it will get worse before it gets better. The original “Reign of Terror” occurred during the French Revolution, when socialism itself was fully birthed. It was a period during which

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