Tag: Knitting

Ravelry LGBTQ Logo

Ravelry, a fiber arts social network, silences Trump supporters as “white supremacists” *UPDATED*

Ravelry, one of the biggest fiber art social media networks, identifies Trump supporters as “white supremacists” and asks its community to help police them. If you do any type of fiber crafts — knitting, quilting, crocheting, etc. — you’re familiar with Ravelry. It’s a very well-organized social network dedicated to

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The Bookworm Beat (10/29/14) — High blood pressure edition (and Open Thread)

I went to the doctor yesterday for an ear infection and discovered that I have high blood pressure. The doctor’s not treating the problem yet, in case my blood pressure was spiked from my ear pain. I certainly hope that’s transitory pain is the reason.  In two months, we’ll check again and see

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