Tag: Progressive Politics

NFL players take a knee

The NFL Knee Battle : A Yuge Wager In The Culture War (Edited & Updated With An Op-ed By A Black U.S. Army Officer)

With 1/5 of the NFL having doubled down on Marxist racism, we are witnessing its bet that, in the culture war, patriotic Americans will take a knee. By interjecting radical black Marxist/progressive politics into the NFL, the progressive left has just accepted — and indeed, doubled down — in a

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A splendid rant about Trump, Clinton, The American Republic & The Ides Of March

Wolf Howling gave me permission to re-print in its entirety his splendid, insightful, intelligent, informed, far-reaching, and tightly-written rant about everything that’s wrong with the American political system as we head into the 2016 election.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: Trump, Clinton, The American Republic & The Ides Of March

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