Tag: Charles Krauthammer

Dear Dr. Krauthammer: Please stifle your inner Canadian on “gun control” *UPDATED*

Let me start by saying that I think Charles Krauthammer is one of the most brilliant, thoughtful, informed conservative thinkers around.  About eighty percent of the time when I read something he’s written I find myself nodding my head in agreement or exclaiming enthusiastically (and yes, I talk to myself)

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Charles Krauthammer lays out Obama’s warped priorities re American wars & foreign policy

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxi2IILt8sk[/youtube] My belief, getting stronger by the minute, is that Obama’s sole Afghanistan policy was to be the un-Bush.  Bush’s critics claimed Iraq was the bad war and Afghanistan the good war.  So Obama immediately stated that he’d focus on Afghanistan.  Obama, though, true Leftist that he is, and with

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