The Obama/Che connection

No, Obama has not spoken lovingly about mass murderer Che Guevara. However, another prominent Obama supporter has made the two equivalent in a very obvious way: he has displayed in his office side by side posters of Obama (that socialist, artsy-fartsy looking poster) and (who else?) Che. Check out this Webloggin post for a picture and some tart comments from Terry Trippany about the way in which Obama magically keeps attracting the acolytes of a mass murderer.

Incidentally, did I mention that this particular acolyte is a State court judge in Ohio? Is it only me, or is there something profoundly disturbing about an American judge displaying on his office wall a picture of someone who was (a) a brutal, hands-on murderer and (b) a vocal and active enemy of the United States? If it were anyone but Che, if it were, say, Himmler or Hitler or Osama or Hussein or Jong-Il or Tojo or Mussolini, might people be a little bit more cognizant of what an appalling thing it is that an American judge has this picture so prominently displayed?