Tag: Judges


The anti-prison movement will be a disaster . . . for criminals

Leftists, having placed pro-criminal prosecutors across America, are now doing the same with judges. Criminals will not like what’s coming. At Power Line, Paul Mirengoff took note of the fact that George Soros, having managed to place leftist prosecutors throughout America, none of whom have the slightest interest in prosecuting

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Illustrates post about judges inventing new legal standard for Trump

Judges invent an entirely new, and very illegal, “legal standard” for Donald Trump

When it comes to Donald Trump, Obama-appointed judges are inventing new legal standards unrelated to the Constitution, statutes, cases, or even facts. Progressives are very excited that a federal judge in Kentucky has held that Trump can be sued for inciting violence. Perfectly illustrating this excitement is a WaPo analysis

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Nuclear Families

Bookworm Beat 3/30/17 — tight-knit communities, nuclear families, and individual worth

Looking at this grab-bag post, I can see the common thread: valuing tight-knit communities, nuclear families, and each individual’s worth. I know why Utah’s welfare is working. Megan McArdle wrote a much-talked-about article in which she looked at Utah, which has extremely good and affordable social services. The key to

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Trump and the judge — and many of you are going to hate me, but I’m going to say it anyway

Donald Trump went into full attack mode against Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over the case against Trump University.  You can find here a video, with transcript, of Trump defending his contention that a “Mexican” judge is a problem for him because of Trump’s outspoken opposition to illegal immigration

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Bookworm Beat Benghazi Leftists Social Media

The Bookworm Beat 5/18/16 — the “Supremes” edition and open thread

This is a good, long post. Mix a martini or make yourself some hot chocolate, find a quiet place, settle back, and read away! Trump woos conservatives. The big news today is Donald Trump’s list of proposed Supreme Court nominees, all of whom of are, in John Yoo’s words “outstanding

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If you read one thing today, read Andrew McCarthy’s take on the U.S. Supreme Court

Andrew McCarthy outdid himself on this one, honing in on the giveaway that the Supreme Court is a legislative branch of the Progressives: Yet, for all the non-stop commentary, one detail goes nearly unmentioned — the omission that best explains this week’s Fundamental Transformation trifecta. Did you notice that there was

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The DOJ’s claim that communications between Mr. and Mrs. Eric Holder are privileged reminds me of a sleazy attorney I once knew

Since you’re all very well-informed, it won’t be news to you that Eric Holder’s Justice Department, in yet another effort to frustrate a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) request about Fast & Furious documents, claims that Eric Holder’s communications with both his wife, a private practice physician, and his mother are

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Can federal courts ever become zealous defenders of individual rights under the Constitution?

I went to a lunch today where the speaker was Clark M. Neily, III, author of Terms of Engagement: How Our Courts Should Enforce the Constitution’s Promise of Limited Government. Neily is an attorney at the libertarian Institute for Justice, a public interest organization that focuses on Constitution-centric civil liberties

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