Some thoughts to carry with you

Government doesn’t make money; people make money.

The state has no conscience.

If you vest as much power as possible in the government while your party of choice is in power, please remember that this same power stays with the government when the party you dislike attains power.

The state has no conscience.

Judges, despite the black robes, are not priests, and therefore are not a conduit to God or, speaking atheistically, to some sort of abstract higher truth.  To the extent that they are almost impossible to remove from office, they, like government, should have limited powers.

The state has no conscience.

Everybody complains about government programs:  Social Security, the DMV, Medicare, City Hall, etc.  Given eons of experience with the inefficiency and propensity towards failure and corruption that characterizes government programs and government entities, why would you want to give these same programs and entitites more of your money to make them even bigger and more encroaching?

The state has no conscience.

Name me one country (socialist, theocratic, aristocratic, plutocratic, etc.) that has aggregated more power in the state than in the individual, but that still respected the rights of the individual.

The state has no conscience.

I bet you can quickly name me at least ten countries in which the system vested more power in the state than in the individual, and that quickly become a totalitarian dictatorship, destroying people inside and outside of its borders.

The state has no conscience.

Peculiarly, while all-powerful states are inefficient when it comes to generating wealth, providing health care, creating market innovation, controlling crime, etc., they are uniquely, ferociously and single-mindedly capable of destroying anyone or anything that threatens their power.  Joe the Plumber, who was attacked by the media arm of the coming “Progressive” state, is just a small example of what happens to anyone unlucky enough to make the government (or hoped-for government) look bad.

The state has no conscience.