Ayers’ comeuppance and the holes in my own memory
I grew up in San Francisco in the 1960s and 1970s. I have vivid memories of the brief, highly middle class era right before the hippies came (when houses and people looked liked sets and actors from the Dick Van Dyke Show); of the be-ins in Golden Gate Park; of the incredible human degradation that quickly characterized the Haight Ashbury; of the fear that stalked the City during the height of the Zodiac Killer’s reign of terror; of the release of the homeless onto the City streets, turning parts of the City into the urban equivalent of psych wards; and of the societal narcissism that was the self-actualization movement of the 1970s. What I have no memory of at all, even thought it happened within miles of my home, is the February 16, 1970 bombing at the Park police station, which wounded 9 and killed one.
Ironically, though, that bombing may prove to be one of the pivotally important events that occurred within my childhood frame of reference. People who care are beginning to agitate to have the Justice Department and the FBI open their files on the matter, and about the Weather Underground, since there is reason to believe that Bill Ayers (that Bill Ayers) and Bernadine Dohrn may have been directly complicit — and there is no statute of limitations for murder. Sadly, we can expect Eric Holder to push back. Read more, lots more, about it here.