Herding seniors to the abattoire *UPDATED*
Don Parker nails both the costs and hypocrisy behind the mandate in the new health care bill that seniors be gently steered towards a cheap death.
UPDATE: Thanks to Old Flyer for reminding me of this, which fits in so perfectly with the new plan:
UPDATE II: A story from my dad’s old joke book.
In long ago Japan or China (or amongst the Eskimos, or something else), a young boy came across his father carry a large basket on his back. In the basket was the boy’s grandfather.
He asked, “Father, where are you taking grandfather?”
“Shh,” said the father. “Grandfather is old and sick. He eats, but he does not earn. I’m taking him to the river, where I will leave him to die. It will be better for all of us.”
“Oh, father,” said the boy. “That is an excellent idea. But be sure to bring the basket home, so that I can use it for you one day.”
All cultures living on the margin of survival have used abandonment as a way of culling the herd so that the strong can survive. The Hansel and Gretel story is a perfect example of this. With too many mouths to feed, the children were left in the wilderness.
My question, of course, is whether we, in America, have come to that marginal existence? The Left thinks we have. I don’t — or, at least, I hope we haven’t.