If you don’t have time to read anything else today, read this stuff….

[I’ll be updating over the course of the day, so check back in.  Last updated at 2:55 p.m. Pacific Time, daylight savings version.]

John Hawkins assembles a damning collection of quotations about the health care bill . . . from Democrats!

Amazing, really amazing, cakes.

Thomas Lifson finally says it:  Obama is Captain Ahab.  Hard to think of a better analogy.

I have been impressed that Bart Stupak has stood firm.  Since he is a Democrat, I had my doubts, assuming that, like all other “principled” Democrats, he would fold when the press was right.  So far, he hasn’t, and he deserves our respect and kudos.

A few takes on the growing disaster Obama is creating for Israel:  the fact that Arabs have done nothing for peace in 67 years; the way Obama is deliberating turning America against Israel; the ham-handed, intentional bullying of Israel; Hillary’s games regarding the Middle East;  Obama picked on the smallest kid in the playground to show the bullies how “tough” he is; the bullying has a purpose and it’s very dangerous for Israel; and the bizarre calculus of the “peace process.

James Taranto hits a home run with his analysis of a “smart” president making foolish choices when it comes to health care (the first section of Taranto’s “best of the web”).  (I put “smart” in quotations because I do not believe Obama is smart.  He’s feral, but there’s no high intelligence functioning in this man, as the Baier interview vividly shows.)

Peggy Noonan, who has morphed into a vapid RINO, recovers herself after seeing the Baier interview and comes out swinging at Obama.

A reminder of how your life can be severely damaged when a huge government entity charged with your care and information screws up.

Another Michael Ramirez picture that’s worth a thousand words.

Is the health care bill just a way point in obtaining a permanent Democratic majority?  Scary stuff.

Dan Riehl warns us that the Dems must create a sense of momentum and inevitability about Sunday if they want to get anywhere at all, but that doesn’t mean it’s real.  And John McCormack has the facts about how real it might not be (huh?).  It looks as if some of the pro-Life Dems are holding strong, which impresses me no end.  (When people with backbone show backbone, you take it for granted.  When worms stand tall, it’s a surprise.)  After all, things are so bad, Dems are officially being told to lie to constituents.

Melanie Phillips suggests that Israel abandon the diplomatic dance and state the truth.  After all, now that America has joined the UN in attacking Israel as sport, what has she got to lose?

You’ve already heard that Nancy Pelosi is praying to St. Joseph that a bill antithetical to Catholic values passes this Sunday.  You’ve also heard that she’s gotten her St. Joseph wrong.  Anchoress, of course, ties it all together into a neat package showing what a miserable excuse Pelosi is, not just for a politician, but for a human being.