We’ll all be Mad Hatters one day

Geeks like knowing that Lewis Carroll’s Mad Hatter, in Alice in Wonderland, had true historic roots.  In the Victorian era, hatters used mercury to prepare beaver skins for men’s hats.  They spent their working days inhaling mercury and absorbing it through their skin.  It attacked their nervous systems and left them with shakes, hallucinations and other signs of insanity.  Hatters were indeed mad.

Madness and mercury seem to go together.  Today, the Left (appropriately) fears it, yet simultaneously (and madly) insists that the whole world embrace it.  With that in mind, I have your matched set for today:

1.  A news story about studies showing that mercury is climbing higher in the food chain.

2.  A fact-filled article explaining that those CFL light bulbs the Democrats/environmentalists/Progressives have foisted on the public are toxic mercury nightmares.

Maybe the whole explanation for Democrat/environmentalist/Progressive lunacy is that they’ve been sniffing light bulbs.