The Obama administration’s “compromise” re the Health Care mandate is a scam
You guys are all too smart to fall for the fake compromise the Obama administration offered to organizations that do not want to pay for women’s birth control, sterilization, and abortifacients. Just in case you missed the story, though, let me quote from Ace, who drills into the heart of the deceit behind this offer:
All Obama’s doing is mandating that employers enter into a contract with insurers in which both parties pretend that the base cost of the service is higher than it is, and that abortifacient coverage now costs zero dollars.
Obama’s mandate solution is now just to force the conscience-objectors to lie about it.
The old mandate was just to provide abortifacents. The “solution” just adds a new mandate on top of that one: That you lie about that fact in a legal contract.
Read the rest here.
The Anchoress has assembled a list of posts on this subject. So far, no one, including the Bishops, seems to be fooled.