Maybe Akin’s revolting stubbornness is part of a deep, Machiavellian plot *UPDATED*
Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri is refusing to step down, despite the fact that everyone in the Republican/conservative establishment, from the RNC, to Rush, to Mark Levin, to Ann Coulter, to every major blog known to conservativism, is hollering that he must leave.
Akin’s arrogance and selfishness is depressing. Or is it?
Maybe, just maybe, this is part of some deep-dyed Machiavellian plot. I know I’m reaching here, but bear with me.
Once Akin went stupid, the inevitable happened, which was the Dems capitalized on what he said to tie his remarks to abortion and the alleged Republican war on women. We know that stupid faux-biology about impregnation during rape has nothing to do with the question when life begins or when it becomes entitled to legal protections. But the media is frothing at the mouth with excitement, convinced that a gaffe by a 32-nd rate Congressman can be used to define an entire political party.
You know, therefore, that if Akin had vanished immediately, the media frothing would have continued unabated. That is, what he said is out there, and there’s nothing conservatives can do to stop it.
However, because Akin hasn’t stepped down, the one thing Republicans can do, with ever-increasing volume, is to disavow him and demand that he step down. Those continued cries for his withdrawal should count as headline material. In Akin’s absence, no one would care that the Republicans were saying “Aw, come on, MSM. We don’t agree with him….” However, in his presence, maybe someone will notice all the Republicans screaming at Akin, “Leave now, you unmitigated idiot.”
Okay. I know nobody plotted for Akin to appear intransigent in order to improve Republican headlines. Akin is refusing to leave because he is, in fact, an unmitigated idiot. His known unmitigated idiocy is why, in Missouri’s open primaries, the Dems spent $1.5 million to get him elected (perfectly proving my ongoing point about the evils of open primaries, which deny parties the opportunity and the right to make their own, best choices about candidates).
Still, even though my theory amounts to pie-in-the-sky retrofitting of painful events, it still has merit. We should make much of the fact that, unlike Dems who rally around their crooks and pedophiles, Republicans react ferociously when someone uses the Republican platform to engage in acts or make statements that are beyond the pale of reason or morality.
UPDATE: The plot just thickened, because the Dems couldn’t restrain themselves and are now preparing for the Abortion Convention . . . er, Democrat Party Convention. My sense is that even those Americans who identify as pro-Choice start feeling sickened by a three day orgy celebrating fetal death.