The way the media designates heroes and villains *UPDATED*
The Koch brothers are the Leftist media’s arch enemies. Because they donate money to free market think tanks, media coverage routinely vilifies them. If Satan got the kind of negative press the Koch brothers do, even Satanists would abandon him.
The media’s articles make it appear that the Koch brothers’ sin isn’t in holding their political views but, rather, in using their ill-gotten gains to fund those views. How dare they use money acquired from capitalism to advocate for their personal causes?
It’s quite a different story, of course, when ill-gotten gains from rampant capitalism end up funding Leftist causes. Today’s San Francisco Chronicle ran a hagiographic article about Tom Steyer and Kathryn Taylor (whose money comes from investment banking) and who now devote their time and fortune to fighting climate change — never mind that the climate will change with or without them, as it has always done. What Steyer and Taylor are really doing is ensuring that nobody else gets the chance to be as rich as they are, since all climate change efforts are fundamentally directed at limiting wealth acquisition in the First World, while transferring some measure of wealth to the economic sinkhole that is currently the Third World
Incidentally, I am not saying that the Third World doesn’t have vast economic possibilities. As much as anything, it’s a sinkhole because of a toxic combination of homegrown corrupt and/or totalitarian governments and religions, on the one hand, and NGOs and Leftist billionaires, on the other hand. These two forces work together to keep Third World citizens mired in picturesque squalor.
This is insidious propaganda. The media doesn’t overtly take a position — it simply vilifies those who stand for principles the media opposes, while swooning over those who invest money in the media’s favorite causes. The low-information readership doesn’t realize that the article’s targets are ideologies. They simply start having a Pavlovian response when an ideological position rolls around.
UPDATE: This post makes my point perfectly about the vitriol poured on the Kochs.