Tag: Propaganda

conservative internet sites

Why you should fund the big conservative internet sites

If you believe in re-electing President Trump and advancing Constitutional American values, you must subscribe to conservative internet sites. Once upon a time, big internet sites relied on advertising to pay for technology and staff. As ads began to clutter websites, slowing loading, and resulting in irritating pop-ups, internet users

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Children's Literature 1810

Children’s literature: as didactic as ever, only with Progressive goals

Children’s literature once taught children to avoid danger and be good boys and girls; now it primes young people to accept a Progressive political agenda. The other night I went to an event at our local independent bookstore. I, along with about thirty other women and a few men, listened

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North Korea Propaganda anti-American

Progressives’ crude political commentary about North Korea [NSFW]

Given a vexing, dangerous, and complicated problem like North Korea, Progressives reduce the issue to school-boy sniggering about sexual prowess. One of the things that distinguishes Progressives from Conservatives is that the former are certain that they’re very smart. For example, they point out that wealthy Blue enclaves have a

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Milo Yiannopoulos

Learning to love the brilliant and controversial Milo Yiannopoulos *UPDATED*

[And timing is everything. The day after I wrote an encomium to Milo, who speaks forcefully about (among other things) gender dysphoria and the danger to children in bathrooms, PJ Media claims he supports gay pedophilia — or, at least, being a provocateur, provocatively says things he implies he does.

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Hillary’s coronation, Trump’s defenestration, and the madness of the media

Up until 2008, although the media was already reliably Leftist, it still kept up the pretense that it was objective. In every election year, it interspersed its cheerleading for the Democrat candidate and put-downs for the Republican candidate with occasional stories that praised the Republican with faint damns, and that

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