Friday morning round-up and Open Thread
Roger Simon is a little wrong when he talks about A&E’s decision to fire Phil Robertson violating the First Amendment. Only government can violate the First Amendment. Having said that, Simon is right about everything else, insofar as it boils down to this: What we are seeing is the ascendency of the thought police who, through coercion, lies, threats, and economic pressure are stifling speech, thought, and religion in America. Just because it’s not the government doing it doesn’t mean it’s not a bad, a very bad, thing, and that’s true whether or not you agree with Robertson’s statements.
Funnily enough, the media wasn’t bent out of shape at all back in the day when Al Sharpton called someone “a faggot” on air. It’s not just the stifling political correctness, it’s the hypocrisy.
Incidentally, just as an aside here, Robertson was mostly quoting from the Bible. Are the PC brigade, aided and abetted by the American media, now saying that all Biblical references are homophobic and must be banned.
A surprising source supports Robertson: Harvey Levin, a gay, Jewish editor at TMZ who, to his great credit, fully understands what’s going on and is honest enough to admit it. I doubt Levin and I are on the same page about many things, but today I admire him.
Claudia Rosett talks about the incredible dislocation that comes with being thrown off her insurance, including the problem of finding a new doctor. What I haven’t seen anyone talk about is the disastrous burden being placed on doctors as they lose their old patients and, in one fell swoop, have to deal with dozens to hundreds of new patients. The office work on new patients is overwhelming: collecting medical history, doing the first (always long) exam, creating brand new files, dealing with new insurance claims, etc. This is going to bury doctors and it’s going to lead to wait times that make Cuba and Britain look good.
Two on Obamacare: Obama is no longer even hiding the fact that his illegal ukases are intended to help Democrats hide before the next election. There is some humor to be derived from his desperate flailing. His latest illegal directive is that the people who got kicked off of insurance they like are now allowed to purchase “catastrophic insurance,” which gives them less coverage for more money. That’s bad enough, but there’s a funny part to it: Obama claims he has the right to issue this rule because the law gives him power to issue emergency rules for man-caused disasters — and in this case, the man-caused disaster is Obamacare itself!