Monday morning Open Thread
I need to spend more time at my computer, since blogging is my little endorphin rush. The problem is that I also need to spend 8-10 hours a day hooked up to the continuous passive motion machine, which precludes any writing, whether on my desktop, my iPad, or my daughter’s (borrowed) laptop. If I use the CPM machine during the day, the only time I’m not hooked up to it is when I’m taking care of my mother or ferrying my children places. If I use the machine at night, I can’t sleep. Last night, I tried a compromise: I stayed on the CPM machine until 4 a.m., and then went to bed and slept for 2.5 hours. I figure that, when I’m next on the machine today, I can nap. This might work….
In any event, thanks to last night’s patchwork approach, I’m sitting at my desktop now, happily reviewing all my favorite morning reading sites. With luck, I’ll be able to get some blogging in before I have to head off to my post-surgical check-up.
Until then, here’s an Open Thread.