Marin storm update
As I predicted over the last few days to anyone who would listen to me, the storm (at least so far) was over-hyped. The reason I knew this was because I check the weather regularly during the rainy season. I do this because I like rain, and it gives me something to look forward to.
According to and Weather Underground, the storm was originally predicted to hit by Tuesday night. Every time I checked, though, the prediction was pushed further forward in time. From Tuesday night it went to Wednesday morning, then Wednesday mid-day, then afternoon, then evening, than late night, then the wee hours of Thursday, then the early hours of Thursday and, finally, late morning Thursday.
Since we’re just coming up on late morning Thursday, there’s definitely the possibility that the weather could worsen, but I kind of doubt it. The storm mostly seems to be moving past us.
I’m not complaining about the storm as is, rather than as predicted. It’s dropped a lot of water on Marin, and we can always use that. For about 20 minutes, it rained really hard and water ran down our street (which is a hill) in a pretty impressive way . . . but it does that at least once every winter. As a general principle, given Marin’s and California’s terrible drought, though, any rain is a good thing.
The best thing about the failed storm from my point of view is that I’ll be able to get my Mom to her doctor’s appointment. From the kids’ point of view, the best thing is that they didn’t have to go to school. I would have been more excited if they had gone to school, but that’s just me….