2023-08-20 Bookworm Video Podcast: Maybe the good guys will win after all
A cheerful look at problems with the Georgia RICO indictment, within China, and for the leftists in Marin County.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
A cheerful look at problems with the Georgia RICO indictment, within China, and for the leftists in Marin County.
Continue readingI attack the media, Critical Race Theory, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Al Jazeera, Hollywood leftists, and more. Plus, I have some cartoons. My apologies for my low output of late. Part of it is that, truly, there aren’t enough hours in the day. However, another part of it is that I
Continue readingA glance at a the home page for Marin County’s main newspaper provides a snapshot into the leftist brain. Although I no longer live in Marin County, I still check the local news. It’s not unusual for me to see familiar people named in stories and I always recognize the
Continue readingA polite letter from police in Marin County had a sting at the end that seemed the first step in the journey to Melbourne’s new police state. In terms of miles, the distance between Marin County and Brisbane, Australia, is 7,869 miles (or 12,663.93 km for those doing the meter
Continue readingCancel culture gives us another moment of historical irony as it comes for Sir Francis Drake in Marin County, California. The ostensible justification for the riots throughout our land, at least at the start of all of the insanity, was to fight racism by tearing down statues of Confederates who
Continue readingWith DACA going before Congress, Marin County public schools are abandoning any pretense of political neutrality and are siding with illegal immigration. Public schools are supposed to be non-partisan. All residents pay taxes towards these schools and the theory is that in return for this money, the schools teach reading,
Continue readingEven as evidence builds that climate change is a scam, hyper-educated Marin spends money to prevent it and starts a major shakedown against oil companies. Scott Adams keeps saying America has two different movies playing, one that progressives watch and the other that conservatives watch. In the progressive movie, proliferating
Continue readingA posh Marin background and a good heart can’t overcome a social justice education that teaches that wealth creation happens through shakedowns. Marin is one of America’s richest counties. Mill Valley, in Marin County, is one of the most affluent cities in California, with a median household income of $132,192
Continue readingJames Brosnahan, the man who represented American Taliban John Walker Lindh, happily awaits the time when America’s intelligence community destroys Trump. The Marin Independence Journal (as in Marin County, the uber-Leftist, hyper-affluent community north of San Francisco), reports on a talk that James Brosnahan gave to the Marin County Trial
Continue readingHillary’s cough has sounded awfully familiar to me — and today I finally figured out what Hillary’s endless coughing jags bring to mind. To back up a minute, though. . . . As anyone following the news knows, Hillary’s been coughing a lot . . . an awful lot. Just
Continue readingJust yesterday, I wrote that suburban communities get addicted to federal funds and, once having done that, they are stuck with federal policies that require those same communities to commit slow suicide. Today, with perfect timing, there’s a news article making my point. As readers of Cyra McFadden’s classic novel,
Continue readingI have been collecting links for days and will try to share them all with you. Here goes: Only conservatives are paying attention In an attempt to deflect attention of Muslim depredations in Paris, the Left and its foot soldiers (all of whom seem to be my Facebook friends) immediately
Continue readingOy! Even my interruptions keep being interrupted today. Still, I managed to gather together a few very interesting things: Heading into a another cooling period Even as the Left gets increasingly hysterical about “climate change,” which has become an all-purpose excuse for everything from drought, to deluge, to prostitution, actual
Continue readingJames Simon, the doctor who shot a man who followed him home, tried to pull into the doctor’s garage, and started storming the house, has pled “not guilty” to felony charges of assault with a deadly weapon and negligently discharging a firearm. The judge also refunded him his $160,000 bail,
Continue readingI have been engaged engaged in a running battle . . . er, discussion with a Progressive acquaintance about the Castle Doctrine. This is the doctrine derived from the ancient Anglo-Saxon principle that “a man’s home is his castle” and he has a right to be safe within its wells. In
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